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Cary, thank you for visiting the group home where my sister Christie lives to sing to her. Although Christie is a bright woman and graduated from high school, her cerebral palsy confines her to a wheelchair. It makes her unable to speak in a way that we can understand unless we know her personally. And even then, one often has to resort to spelling words.
However, when you sang to her, Christie was thrilled. In fact, she tried to sing along and thoroughly enjoyed your visit. She, with the help of the people at her group home, told her older sister about you coming to sing for her. When I saw the video, it was obvious that she was certainly shining bright as a result of your singing. Thank you for being so kind and making her day so special.
– Her Brother, Frank
Music Shines Bright has had a tremendous impact on our residents. Each week, MSB volunteers bring their musical talents to our facility and perform. The seniors love listening to our volunteers and singing and dancing with them. I also encourage them to help in other activities like painting, games (bingo, board games), and themed holiday parties. These kids have made a difference in their lives by helping them engage in activities or even step outside of their rooms. Thank you for coordinating this effort for our seniors.
– Laurina, Senior Center Director